Deprecation Note

We published the last version of Graylog Documentation before the release of Graylog 4.2. Now, all documentation and help content for Graylog products are available at

There will be no further updates to these pages as of October 2021.

Do you have questions about our documentation? You may place comments or start discussions about documentation here:

Graylog REST API

The functionality Graylog REST API is very comprehensive; even the Graylog web interface is exclusively using Graylog REST API to interact with the Graylog cluster.

To connect to the Graylog REST API with a web browser, just add api/api-browser to your current http_publish_uri setting or use the API browser button on the nodes overview page (System / Nodes in the web interface).

For example if your Graylog REST API is listening on, the API browser will be available at



The customized version of Swagger UI used by Graylog does currently only work in Google Chrome and Firefox.

Using the API browser

After providing the credentials (username and password), you can browse all available HTTP resources of the Graylog REST API.


Interacting with the Graylog REST API

While having a graphical UI for the Graylog REST API is perfect for interactive usage and exploratory learning, the real power unfolds when using the Graylog REST API for automation or integrating Graylog into another system, such as monitoring or ticket systems.

Naturally, the same operations the API browser offers can be used on the command line or in scripts. A very common HTTP client being used for this kind of interaction is curl.


In the following examples, the username GM and password superpower will be used to demonstrate how to work with the Graylog REST API running at


Since Graylog 2.5.0, all non-GET API requests must include and set a value for the X-Requested-By HTTP header. This is needed to prevent CSRF attacks.

The following command displays Graylog cluster information as JSON, exactly the same information the web interface is displaying on the System / Nodes page:

curl -u GM:superpower -H 'Accept: application/json' -X GET ''

The Graylog REST API will respond with the following information:

  "71ab6aaa-cb39-46be-9dac-4ba99fed3d66" : {
    "facility" : "graylog-server",
    "codename" : "Smuttynose",
    "node_id" : "71ab6aaa-cb39-46be-9dac-4ba99fed3d66",
    "cluster_id" : "3adaf799-1551-4239-84e5-6ed939b56f62",
    "version" : "2.1.1+01d50e5",
    "started_at" : "2016-09-23T10:39:00.179Z",
    "hostname" : "",
    "lifecycle" : "running",
    "lb_status" : "alive",
    "timezone" : "Europe/Berlin",
    "operating_system" : "Linux 3.10.0-327.28.3.el7.x86_64",
    "is_processing" : true
  "ed0ad32d-8776-4d25-be2f-a8956ecebdcf" : {
    "facility" : "graylog-server",
    "codename" : "Smuttynose",
    "node_id" : "ed0ad32d-8776-4d25-be2f-a8956ecebdcf",
    "cluster_id" : "3adaf799-1551-4239-84e5-6ed939b56f62",
    "version" : "2.1.1+01d50e5",
    "started_at" : "2016-09-23T10:40:07.325Z",
    "hostname" : "",
    "lifecycle" : "running",
    "lb_status" : "alive",
    "timezone" : "Europe/Berlin",
    "operating_system" : "Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64",
    "is_processing" : true
  "58c57924-808a-4fa7-be09-63ca551628cd" : {
    "facility" : "graylog-server",
    "codename" : "Smuttynose",
    "node_id" : "58c57924-808a-4fa7-be09-63ca551628cd",
    "cluster_id" : "3adaf799-1551-4239-84e5-6ed939b56f62",
    "version" : "2.1.1+01d50e5",
    "started_at" : "2016-09-30T13:31:39.051Z",
    "hostname" : "",
    "lifecycle" : "running",
    "lb_status" : "alive",
    "timezone" : "Europe/Berlin",
    "operating_system" : "Linux 4.4.0-36-generic",
    "is_processing" : true

Creating and using Access Token

For security reasons, using the username and password directly on the command line or in some third party application is undesirable.

To prevent having to use the clear text credentials, Graylog allows to create access tokens which can be used for authentication instead.


Users require the permissions users:tokenlist, users:tokencreate, and users:tokenremove to manage their access tokens. Please check the documentation on Permission system for more information. Also note that users, even administrators, may only manage their own tokens.

The following example will create an access token named agents for the user graylog-sidecar:

  • Navigate to the users configuration menu System /  Authentication.

  • Select the user you want to create a token for and click on Edit tokens.

  • Give the token a name and create it.

  • You should see now the token in the list.


Either by unchecking the hide option or by copying the token to the clipboard you can access the token. The received access token can now be used as username in a request to the Graylog REST API using Basic Auth together with the literal password token.

When an access token is no longer needed, it can be delete on the Graylog UI via the Delete button.

Creating and using Session Token

While access tokens can be used for permanent access, session tokens will expire after a certain time. The expiration time can be adjusted in the user’s profile.

Getting a new session token can be obtained via POST request to the Graylog REST API. Username and password are required to get a valid session ID. The following example will create an session token for the user GM:

curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-By: cli' '' -d '{"username":"GM", "password":"superpower", "host":""}'

The response will include the session token in the field session_id and the time of expiration:

    "valid_until" : "2016-10-24T16:08:57.854+0000",
    "session_id" : "cf1df45c-53ea-446c-8ed7-e1df64861de7"

The received token can now be used as username in a request to the Graylog REST API using Basic Auth together with the literal password session.

Now a curl command to get a list of access tokens would look as follows:

curl -u cf1df45c-53ea-446c-8ed7-e1df64861de7:session -H 'Accept: application/json' -X GET ''